The Chinese year is changing. There are many myths and stories about the Chinese zodiac, and I want to tell one of them.
Photo by nopkin from Flicker CC |
One of the stories goes like this: God organized a party and invited all the animals there. Rat and cat had a fight, so the rat told the cat that the party was actually on the next day, but that was a lie. So, all the animals went to the party, except the cat, who thought that the party was the following day. Actually this party, that God had organized, was really a competition to select the animals for the horoscope. The competition was about running, everybody simply had to reach the other side of the line before the other animals did. But the rat cheated this time too. It knew that it wasn't a very good runner, so the rat secretly rode on ox's back. Just before the ox got to the goal, the rat jumped off the ox's back to the other side of the line, so it was the first to finish. That's why the rat is the first animal in the zodiac. The ox was the second one, so God made it the second animal to the zodiac, then it was tiger, rabbit, dragon...just like in the zodiac. And this is why cat isn't in the zodiac - rat cheated it.
Photo by chooyutshing from Flicker CC |
This story has many versions, I've heard one where rat pushes cat to the water in a swimming competition.
Old mythical stories like this may sound quite childish but they are fascinating and a lot of fun at the same time, too, aren't they? Nice that you took an interest in this one!